Ministries: Spiritual GROWTH

 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25

The writer of Hebrews reminded believers that joining together was an important aspect for all believers.  Meeting together each week is a vital part of the body of Christ encouraging one another and holding each other accountable.  We all know that this life is difficult.  In fact Jesus reminded His disciples that in this world they would have difficulty.  The struggles remind us that this is not our home.  We are strangers and aliens in this world.  The struggles that we have make it difficult and many would say impossible to face without the strength that comes from walking through life with others.  At Central we believe that this is crucial for all believers.  We have a place for you to belong and find community.  This is best accomplished through our Sunday morning class Bible studies, Sunday evening Prayer Meeting & Bible Study, and Wednesday evening Master Class.  We have age-grade classes for our kids, students, and adults.  We have classes for men, women, students, and children of all ages designed for you to join with fellow believers who can encourage and challenge you to become more like Christ.  Join us each Sunday morning for small group bible study.  If you need assistance finding a class for your or your family, contact us here.