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What's Happening at Central?

Whether it’s a new sermon series, this year’s VBS, or summer events, there’s always something going on at Central. Use the arrows below to see what’s new!

VBS 2024!

June 3-7 | 8:30 a.m – Noon
It’s a trip to Breaker Rock Beach this summer! Get your kids here for some solid, biblical teaching meant to ground them in their faith and prepare them for the stuff life throws their way! In a world of shifting sands, only God’s rock-solid truth will do! Registration is now open for kids in Pre-K through 6th grade. 

Summer Mother's Day Out

Two Sessions: June 11-July 2 & July 9-August 1
Summer Mother’s Day Out is Central’s summer childcare ministry. Our goal is to promote spiritual and educational growth for little ones. We currently have openings for kids ages 2yr-Kinder. Drop off hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9AM to 2PM for each of the summer sessions. Registration & Supply is a one-time, non-refundable $50 fee. Tuition is $120 per session, per child.

Isaiah Sermon Series: "The Sovereign Savior"

God saves sinners! Do we really believe that? Or do we tend to look to other things for our salvation, for our hope, for our security? Of all the books of the Old Testament, we would be hard pressed to find one more relevant to the time in which we currently live. Isaiah prophesied during a period of nation crises to a people who dabbled in their religion. His message was one of warning, but also of hope. We have a sovereign King and Savior who is holy and righteous, dealing with our sin for the sake of His great name.

View our current sermon and access the archives

Knowing God

As you can see, Central has a lot to offer. The most important thing we can give you, however, is the Gospel. Simply, the Gospel is the Good News of who Jesus is and what He has done to bring us into a relationship with God. To know what we mean, think of the following four main themes of the Bible:


9AM: Sunday School
10:30AM: Worship Service
6PM Prayer Meeting & Bible Study (Chapel)
Home Groups:
1st & 3rd Sundays (Various Locations)


9:15AM (1st & 3rd Wednesdays)  | MOMs of Littles (Coffee Alcove)

Master Class with Dr. Mike  (Chapel)
CBC Littles & CBC Kids Midweek (Preschool & Children’s Hallways)

6:45PM Student Midweek (Student Building)

Who We Are

Central is a multi-generational church full of imperfect people who love Jesus and each other. We believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, Jesus is the sovereign ruler over all creation, and the Gospel is Good News for everyone. Our mission is to make disciples who know and follow Jesus, and our worship is God-centered, Christ-exalting, and biblically grounded. If you are looking for an authentic community of faith that strives to love God and people with truth and grace, we hope you will pray about becoming part of our family.


Senior Adults




Bible Study


