Knowing God

Creation. God created everything that exists. By His powerful word, he made the sun, moon, and stars, and the earth and everything in it. That means He made you and me, and His desire is for a personal relationship with us. [Genesis 1:1] But before the good news, there is bad news . . .

Fall. As our Creator, God gave us some expectations. He set boundaries for us so that we could enjoy Him and live life abundantly. However, we all have chosen to go our own way, rejecting God’s perfect will for us. Our rebellion against Him is called “sin,” and it alienated us from Him and earned us condemnation. [Romans 3:23] But this is where the Good News comes in . . .
Redemption. Even though we turned from God, He loved us. In fact, He loved us so greatly that He sent Jesus, His one and only Son to suffer in our place. When Jesus died on the cross, He actually took upon Himself all the judgment of God that every one of us deserves. [Isaiah 53:5-6] Then, 3 days after He was killed, He rose from the grave and now reigns over all creation. Therefore, since Jesus has paid the penalty for our sins, we can have a relationship with God again. Our sins can be forgiven, and we can live forever with Him. Being reconciled to God is what salvation is about, and it is a free gift. And here is how you can receive that gift . . .

 The Bible says that salvation is by the grace of God through faith in Jesus. [Ephesians 2:8-9] This means that if you truly believe that Jesus died for you, and if you are willing to turn from your sins and live for Him, then you can experience the freedom of forgiveness, the joy of knowing God, and the hope of eternal life. So if you believe this and want to be saved, tell Him that and ask Him to save you. The Bible says that “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” [Romans 10:13]

If you have turned to Jesus, or if you want more information, we would love to hear from you.